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Ever been stressed? 


Daily, I talk to a wide variety of people, and many just don’t feel good and are tired. A common phrase I hear every day is, “I’m stressed.” It’s sad but also a significant part of modern life, and that stress manifests in a vast range of ways. 


Stress is linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disease, liver dysfunction, and even anxiety and depression. 


I’ve seen how much nutrition, supplements, and lining out the gut have changed lives. I have no doubt all have contributed to Lander’s success in facing cancer. 


One of the companies I’ve worked with since early in Lander’s diagnosis is Just Thrive. After researching and diving into the world of the microbiome – the bugs that make up the ecosystem in our intestines – the more important it became to clean up my son’s microbiome. 


After years of working with people on their self-care, I firmly believe Just Thrive Probiotics are the best available. It’s what I give my family. I trust that Tina Anderson, the CEO, and Kirin Krishnan, Ph.D., the chief science officer are genuine, exceptionally gifted, and driven. 

Fathers Heart Website Cover

In the first issue of the Sowing Prosperity, we dedicated an article to handling stress with nutrition, and Just Thrive’s new product covers another aspect of managing stress – and so much more. 


Just Calm contains a strain of good bacteria that impacts the brain significantly. You may have heard of the gut-brain connection, but I don’t believe we have scratched the surface. 


There are bacteria called psychobiotics in our guts that influence neurochemicals and brain inflammation. So a healthy gut supports the brain. 


The specific strain B. Longum 1714 shows promising effects on stress relief, mood, anxiety, sleep, and other vital health functions. 


Listen to an interview between Dave Asprey, the man who launched the whole “bulletproof coffee” movement and  Dr.Krishnan on Asprey’s Human Upgrade Podcast 



We carry the Just Thrive products at the market in Lander’s Corner – being the first in the world to have Just Calm on shelves. 


Get it online at with a discount use code LANDERMAN https://justthrivehealth.com/pages/logan-duvall 

Unlocking the Power of Probiotics: A Conversation with Tina Anderson of Just Thrive

I pray this information helps to create awareness on areas in life that can have a massive impact.