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I half-jokingly say, “I sell tomatoes on the side of the road,” when asked about my profession. 


There is a big reason for it! Tomatoes are a huge part of agriculture in Arkansas, making up a significant portion of Me & McGee Market, especially through the summer months.  


Tomatoes have a ravenous following. Trust me. Lol 


Caprese salads, tomato sauce, salsa, BLTs, gazpacho, and simply sliced with some salt and pepper are only a few ways to enjoy them. 


Tomatoes are so crucial to the market’s success that we actively pursue who we believe to be the perfect farmer. Tasty Acres is a few miles from us outside of Scott. We’ve partnered with Ed and Susie to have the best varieties, including heirlooms. 


Here’s a tour of Tasty Acres 

We do have other amazing farms we work with, too, like the expansions with Staton Farms and Miller Aquaponics, which offer extended seasons and a wider variety of tomatoes.  


Heirlooms are an absolute favorite. They are expensive, but there are a few reasons for that. They don’t have a long shelf life, most things with exceptional flavor don’t, and they can be challenging to grow. 


What is an heirloom? It’s simply an old variety of produce. So there are a lot of different heirloom varieties of tomatoes.  People often refer to Cherokee Purples like heirloom is the specific name. They are an heirloom, but they are only one of a long list.  


Brandwine, Arkansas Traveler, Ox Heart, German Johnson, and Black Krim are a few of the many other heirlooms. To see more, order the Bakers Creek seed catalog. It’s one of my favorite things to look at.  


I break down more about tomatoes in this video. 

Other varieties we have grown to love are the oranges and yellows.  The cultivar we have in partnership with Tasty Acres is the tangerine tomato.  It’s a hybrid, which does not mean GMO, and it is incredibly flavorful.  


Like the zephyr squash, we had to give them away early on, but now they are a favorite! 


Hope this helps lay out some useful information on tomatoes. 


One last thing, we have to add Tuesdays to being open because of them for a few weeks. Tomato Tuesday as we call it will begin June 28th. 

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Easy Farmer’s Summer Salad 

By Chef Ken Dempsey 



6-8 fairytale eggplant – cubed, tossed in olive oil, hogwash seasoning, and roasted in 400° oven for 10 minutes


1 purple bell – diced

1 red bell – diced

1 jalapeno – small diced

1 tomato – diced

3 peaches – diced

2 ears of fresh corn – cut off the cob

20 Barukas nuts – chopped

1 lemon – juiced

2 tablespoon honey

1 teaspoon kosher salt

1 teaspoon coarse pepper

1/4 cup chives – chopped


Combine all ingredients and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.


Pictured with a Patagonia Lemon Pepper Salmon Filet 



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Monday – Closed 

Tuesday – Closed 

Wednesday – 10 am to 3 pm

Thursday  – 10 am to 3 pm

Friday – 10 am to 5 pm

Saturday – 9 am to 4 pm

Sunday – 11 am to 4 pm

Check us out on social media! 





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Me & McGee Market

10409 Highway 70

North Little Rock, AR 72117


Market Phone


Text or Call

479-857-4799 Logan

501-554-5561 Neva

