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Skin Care, Cancer, and Magnesium


I often reflect on the journey with Lander’s cancer battle. What did I do right, what did I do wrong, and what could I do better. I don’t do this to beat myself or necessarily dwell on regrets; I want to improve and help others and continue giving Lander the best in the future. 


Skin as a topic is a significant issue for cancer patients undergoing chemo and radiation. Therefore, I research how best to take care of Lander’s skin. 


The first line of focus for skin health nutrition is the food we eat. Nutrition and the microbiome have a massive effect on our skin. But that’s not the focus right now. 


As a topical way of taking care of Lander’s skin, I created a combination of Jojoba and vitamin E oils to coat his bald little head, port, and scars. After having a lot of positive results, I approached Kerri Miller of Beauty from Ashes to formulate what would be called Rednal Oil, which is Lander spelled backward. 


Jojoba oil comes from a nut of the Jojoba shrub found in the deserts of North America and has a long history of use by Native Americans. 


The oil is naturally high in vitamin E an antioxidant, and is often recommended to help reduce scarring. Other benefits of Jojoba oil include it having antibacterial properties, being a moisturizer, and being hypoallergenic. 


The wide range of benefits of Jojoba decided to use it as a base, a necessity for Rednal Oil. Additionally, we added almond oil and rosehip oil to the current formula. 


Epsom salt baths were another practice I used for Lander religiously. He would soak almost nightly in Lavender or Eucalyptus essential oil Epsom salt and be coated in Rednal oil afterward. 


Epsom salts are essentially magnesium salts that break down into magnesium and sulfate when added to water. Magnesium is a critically important mineral I didn’t fully realize during everything. But since I’ve discovered it’s vital for over 300 known functions within the body, and the vast majority of people are deficient. 


“Epidemiological studies identify magnesium deficiency as a risk factor for some types of human cancers.” per this PubMed article – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21933757/.


Epsom salt baths have a long history of usage and a ton of anecdotal evidence to support, and I’ve yet to find a reason not to use them. 


I believe Lander was able to absorb some magnesium into his body through his skin. This was a benefit I didn’t understand at the time. But thankful I do now! 

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We now supplement with BiOptimzer Magnisum Breakthrough. Here is a link to learn more about the top supplements we use. 




Now for what I wish I would have known. Getting Lander to take oral supplements is and has been a highly tricky part of our routine. I’ve had to get creative in putting them in foods, drinks, and a myriad of other tricks to get things in him that I know have made a significant impact. With that said, I want to make it easier. I want to make it easier on him and any other child that faces the monster called cancer. I believe Cymbioitka is a significant player, and I am excited to see where our partnership goes. 


Magnesium Oil is one of the products that is a transdermal absorption product. Meaning it gets into the blood through the skin. This critical mineral is crucial to protein synthesis, muscle, and nerve function. Constipation, headaches, and poor sleep are all associated with magnesium deficiency. 


I fully believe the Cymbiotika Brand could have benefited Lander, even more, had I known about it. My goal is to make sure no one else misses out on game-changing approaches to health. I’ve genuinely been blown away with everything about them and their founder Chervin Jafarieh. 


Rednal Oil and Cymbiotika Magnesium Oil are a large part of our skin health routine. 

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